Ice and Roll

A Trendy Business Idea!

We are the biggest and the fastest-growing street food catering chain in Poland. The Lodolandia chain comprises of 250 sales points in Poland and abroad, mainly near popular shopping centres. We know that it makes sense to share joy, especially when it comes from little yet special pleasures.

Our ice cream and waffles win the hearts of little ones, and make adults go back to the land of memories of carefree childhood times.Lodolandia is currently the fastest growing franchise chain in Poland. We offer a year-round business of managing an ice cream kiosk. Lodolandia points can be found in the most attractive locations in Polish cities.

Why franchise with us?

Our franchise is a tested business idea and the sweets which we offer have gained recognition of customers.In the age of street food market bloom, retail of swirl ice cream is not only a business which goes hand in hand with current trends, but also a safe investment. Their popularity is worth taking advantage of during outdoor parties - festivals, markets, breakfast fairs or food truck conventions.

Lodolandia (Ice and Roll) has many years of franchise experience and a well-developed model of cooperation with business partners.
We combine original flavour with:

  • stylish aesthetics of the sales point (highest quality materials, unique patterns, modern technology, stylish design)
  • the highest quality of products
  • high standards of service

We rent space which has not been occupied before - it is an additional profit for the shopping centre and an enrichment to their offer. Lodolandia is joy at one's fingertips and a moment of relaxation during everyday activities.

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Mobility and flexibility provides catering trailers with a great business advantage over stationary sales points. The franchisee can make their own decisions regarding optimal location depending on the events’ calendar in the particular area, and the popularity of certain areas during spring and summer months.

Contact us today to find out more!