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Supporting sports professionals and elite athletes beyond their competing careers

At LAPS, we believe we have a responsibility to support sports professionals and elite athletes beyond their competing careers, and help guide them towards new and fulfilling opportunities. We know that professional sportspeople can make outstanding contributions in new areas - and we invite businesses to help support our work by getting more involved in what we do. It's not just a nod to CSR; it's a chance to genuinely make a big difference.

What we offer

This could be a great opportunity to tap into one of the most highly sought-after talent pools in the country, of course - but it's also a chance for your organisation to give something back to the sports community (and there could be some good PR opportunities in it as well!).

We offer franchisees a chance to tap into one of the most highly sought-after talent pools in the country but it's also a chance for your organisation to give something back to the sports community. To learn more about franchising with LAPS, click on the live chat functions below or contact us via the details below:

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